Delivered CAT & Genny training in Aldershot to 3 managers in charge of power station refurbishment.
132kv cables we were looking for. They would make you jump if you hit one.
Delivered CAT & Genny training in Aldershot to 3 managers in charge of power station refurbishment.
132kv cables we were looking for. They would make you jump if you hit one.
Where RPE is used it must be able to provide adequate protection for individual wearers. Poor fitting RPE cannot protect the wearer if it leaks. A major cause of leaks is poor fitting face masks.
People come in all different shapes and sizes so carrying out face fit testing ensures the RPE selected is suitable for the wearer.
RPE fit testing should be carried out at the initial selection stage of the RPE you require. This give individuals a choice of adequate models of RPE. The make, model, type and size of the face piece must be the one used by the wearer following the successful test. If more than one type of face mask is used then each type must be tested.
Please get in touch if you require face fit training or testing
Over 250,000 cases of HAVS, better known as white finger are reported to the HSE each year. That means that over 250,000 workers have lost some use of their hands to do the every day tasks they need them for.
If you are an employer and you using vibrating hand tools in your business you should have a HAVS risk assessment in place. All employees who use vibrating hand tools should know how long they can use them for before they reach the EAV Exposure Action Value and also the ELV Exposure Limit Value for each tool. If they believe they are being over exposed they should inform there employer and the employer should monitor HAV of each employee.
Bonum Safety delivered Asbestos awareness courses this week. Sadly over 5000 people die every year from asbestos related diseases.
Every employer must make sure that anyone who may disturb asbestos during their normal work, or who supervises those employees receives the correct level information, instruction and training to enable them to work safely and competently without the risk to themselves or others.
Asbestos awareness ensures your employees are aware of the dangers.
Delivered a train to face fit course today to three H&S managers.
Bonum Safety delivered Asbestos awareness courses this week. Sadly over 5000 people die every year from asbestos related diseases.
Every employer must make sure that anyone who may disturb asbestos during their normal work, or who supervises those employees receives the correct level information, instruction and training to enable them to work safely and competently without the risk to themselves or others.
Asbestos awareness ensures your employees are aware of the dangers.
Over 250,000 cases of HAVS, better known as white finger are reported to the HSE each year. That means that over 250,000 workers have lost some use of their hands to do the every day tasks they need them for.
If you are an employer and you using vibrating hand tools in your business you should have a HAVS risk assessment in place. All employees who use vibrating hand tools should know how long they can use them for before they reach the EAV Exposure Action Value and also the ELV Exposure Limit Value for each tool. If they believe they are being over exposed they should inform there employer and the employer should monitor HAV of each employee.
September 2021
I have been carrying out face fit testing several days this month. It is the employers duty to prevent employees suffering from ill health. Silicosis kills over 600 construction workers each year. The first thing an employer should do is try to eliminate creating dust in the first place. However, if that is not possible then wet cutting, on tool extraction will reduce the production of dust.
Any employee provided with RPE must be trained to wear it correctly and it must fit properly. The only way to ensure it fits properly is to carry out a face fit test.
arried out a Hand and Arm vibration assessment yesterday.
To get started I used the HSE hand and arm vibration exposure calculator to give me the Exposure Action Value and Exposure Limit Value of the tools I was assessing. It is not difficult and gives a small company a starting point.
Equipment Current average daily exposure Vibration Value EAV, ELV:
I have been delivering Managing Safely the last 6 months for various training providers. It is a great first step into the world of health and safety for managers.